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更新时间:2024-05-28 01:45:31
  • 双语例句

1. I'm going to watch a soccer match.

2. He wants to watch a soccer match there.

3. watch a soccer match的近义词

3. She is going to stadium, she wants to watch a soccer match.

4. watch a soccer match

4. Chen and smile all the viewers to watch a soccer match to ease the process of tension.

5. For example, our ability to attract fans to the Korea-Japan World Cup, not only is to allow fans to watch a soccer match, but to enable fans to experience a different kind of sports culture: a unified uniforms, team apparel and other standard equipment, strengthen cooperation with the national team a sense of belonging.

6. Reminder: Do not stay up late to watch a soccer match when they drink as much as possible, to moderate drinking, while watching the best side of tea.

An estimated 50,000 supporters of Germany watch the World Cup soccer match between Germany and Ghana at a public viewing area in Hamburg, Germany, on Wednesday, June 23, 2010.(据估计,德国的支持者观看50,000在一个公开可视面积在汉堡德国和加纳之间的世界杯足球赛,德国,星期三,2010年6月23日。)
I'm going to watch a soccer match.(我要去看足球比赛。)
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